What does it mean to be slightly geser than others.

3 min readJan 14, 2023


IQ Bell Curve resulted only slightly above average
My place on the IQ bell curve, slightly scooted to the right.

For the longest time, I have been wondering why I can’t seem to be able to finish what I started. Whether it’s in academia, professional ventures, hobbies, or anything else, I always seem to fall short of completion. I’ve been looking for answers ever since, and the journey has been filled with many failures and difficulties in coping and getting back up. Despite my ongoing efforts to prevent it from happening again, there’s one thing that really sticks with me: based on a psychological test result, my IQ is slightly higher than the average adult IQ score; nothing too extraordinary, far from genius, but just a pinch above average and it got me wondering: could this be one of the causes?

You see, I’ve always felt driven by curiosity, but I don’t seem to have the skills to make my ideas come true or execute them. This roughly translates into my inability to finish what I’ve started. It’s a frustrating cycle that I’ve been struggling to break free from, and I know I’m not alone in this. Many people with high IQs may find themselves in a similar situation, and it’s important to understand why this happens.

It’s critical to comprehend that people with high IQs may have a more active and curious mind, which can lead to a constant search for new and stimulating experiences. This can make it difficult to focus on one task for an extended period of time and to see it through to completion. Consequently, people with high IQs may also have high expectations for themselves, which can lead to feelings of perfectionism and procrastination. They may feel that they need to put in extra effort to meet their own expectations, which can create pressure and anxiety, making it more challenging to complete tasks.

Remembering this is crucial that there are many other aspects of who we are outside our intelligence, and that these aspects play a role in our capacity to finish what we start. Our motivation, interest in a task, and emotional wellbeing are just a few examples of how these things might affect us. In order to overcome this challenge, it’s important to be aware of these additional issues and develop solutions.

But it’s not all bad news. Recognizing that my slightly geser IQ could be a factor in my struggles is the first step towards finding solutions. For example, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, setting specific and realistic goals, and creating a schedule and routine to help me stay on track, may be helpful. Besides that, talking to a therapist or counselor can also provide valuable support and guidance in navigating these challenges.

Another way to address this could be to work on developing a growth mindset, which is the belief that our abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching, and persistence. Having a growth mindset can help us to overcome obstacles and to continue to learn and grow.

It’s not going to be easy, but with perseverance and the right support, we can overcome this challenge and reach our goals. Remember to be kind to yourself and to celebrate even small accomplishments, as they are all steps towards breaking the cycle of starting and not finishing.

*Slightly geser = slightly scooted to the right.

